The Benjamin Moore 2020 Color Of The Year

2019 is almost over, scratch that, it’s gone. So, naturally, we would be looking into the future which is in about a month.
Things we would be looking into the future about including the design of our living spaces. When the new year comes, everyone is always looking to reinvent themselves, there is usually a wardrobe change, interior decoration change, exterior decoration change, some people, whole living mowing the lawn might just decide that they are due for a garden. So, a whole lot of changes take place when a year is gone, and a new one arrives.
The best part about this new year is that it is going to mark the end of a decade! So it is already pretty special when you look at it.
Even if you are just moving into a new place, or changing the look of an old place, the color trend of the year should not be a bad idea to jump on.
The Benjamin Moore 202o color of the year is simply the perfect choice for a house painting. It is the First light 2102-70
It is bright, warm, calm and is capable of sending light all around the house. The color is a soft version of pink that looks calm, but brightens up the entire place, and gives it a look that can be described as flattering.
It takes the radiance of the pink color and the balance of the white color and ever so beautifully, lives up to its name, ‘the first light’. Think of how you feel when you see that early morning sun that reminds you that the night is over, that is how the First Light feels.
When you walk into your house, you want it to welcome you and calm you from the chaos of a noisy day, or lift your moods from the endless greys of a gloomy day.
The Benjamin Moore 2020 color of the year does that perfectly, it has all the good emotions embedded in its soft yet bright and welcoming hue.
If you are in Fairfield County and you’re looking to change the painting in your home for the new year, or you are moving into a new home and just want a feel of the beauty of 202o, the Benjamin Moore 2020 color of the year is all the perfect painting to give your home. It just makes the home feel a little more homely, and that seems to be the idea.