Seven Reasons Why Arborcoat Solid Stain is the Best Choice for Exterior Painting

Seven reasons why Arborcoat solid stain is the best choice for exterior painting
After the long debate about whether or not your house needs exterior painting after so many months of procrastinating, the dilemma is now selecting the right paint for the job. Exterior house painting can be a herculean task, but with the right solutions, you can look at your house and fall in love again. As much as you are looking at beautifying the house, you still want something long-lasting that will ensure the texture of the wood. If you are looking for the best choice for exterior paint for siding, then Arborcoat solid stain would be right for you. This exterior paint is a product from Benjamin Moore, which produces only quality paint for different homeowners and house painters.
Let us look at the seven reasons Arborcoat solid stain is great for your exterior painting projects.
Great for all types of wood
For many people looking to revamp their homes with wood exteriors, it can be stressful trying to look for paint that fits it. However, with Arborcoat solid stain from Benjamin Moore, exterior house painting is even more pleasurable since you can use it for different kinds of wood. In fact, what if we told you that it is great for all types of wood and also perfect for fiber-cement siding? This exterior paint offers you so much relief when it comes to complementing the surfaces you want to paint on. With the Arborcoat solid stain, perfect for all types of wood, you can rest assured that the value of your house will certainly go up. Yes, exterior house painting generally increases the house’s aesthetic quality and value. But with paint that is suitable for all types of wood, your house becomes a sight for sore eyes.
Covers blemishes
Okay, this might sound a tad bit triggering, but one of the real reasons why you want to paint your house exterior is to cover up some cracks, stains, and other imperfections. Exterior house painting is a viable way to cover these issues, but without the right paint, these same issues can surface. There is nothing worse than a stain or cracks showing its ugly face after a couple of months of exterior painting. Arborcoat solid stain offers homeowners looking to renovate their homes the assurance of covering all those imperfections. The amazing thing is that exterior house painting with Arborcoat solid stains does not only cover up blemishes on wood but on exterior surfaces like stucco.
UV Protection
Understandably, if you have been looking at different options for an exterior painting project, they would have bragged about UV protection, especially for those homeowners who have been victims of their walls and house exterior fading due to constant sunlight. As much as most of them are telling the truth, with Arborcoat solid stain from Benjamin Moore, your wood, walls, and other house exteriors will be protected against the sun’s ultraviolet rays for a long time.
After a while, most homeowners complain about how dirt, dust, smoke, and other pollutants contribute to the fading of the exterior paint of their houses. It is only normal for a home’s exterior to attract dirt and other issues after some time. However, these issues can be so damaging that the home looks like a shadow of what it once was. Many homeowners have tried different remedies with other exterior painting projects, but the aftermath of the dust and other surrounding pollutants still resurfaces. This is why Benjamin Moore put a lot into creating the Arborcoat solid stain for exterior painting. With this paint, you can rest assured that minimal staining and dust will be attracted. Furthermore, the durability of the Arborcoat solid stain makes it so that the home exterior still remains as bright and aesthetically pleasing as the first day it was painted.
No home can hide from the cold showers of rain. The winter period can be a make-or-break time for many exterior painting jobs for people in Fairfield and Westchester Counties. Mildew thrives if your home’s exterior is not properly preserved during these times. The sad part about allowing mildew into your home is the structural and health effects it would have. What better way to prepare your home against the year’s damp, cold, and winter periods than the Arborcoat solid stain from Benjamin Moore? The exterior house paint removes the threat of mildew, even during cold and damp periods. So, you can protect your house from damage to the structure and your family’s health with the Arborcoat solid stain for exterior house painting.
Ideal for touch-ups
Many homeowners do not want a complete exterior house painting makeover; they only need a touch-up in some areas. Maybe mildew is gradually affecting it, or maybe some of the wall paint is peeling off. It could be anything that pushes you to touch up. Regardless of the case, with Arborcoat solid stain, you can be sure that the touch-up will cover the issue and blend smoothly with the existing exterior paint you used. Aside from the regular touch-up, homeowners can decide to recoat paint. However, recoating paint does not entirely solve the issue you are trying to address. Maybe because the existing surface was not prepared properly, whatever the case may be, recoating with the wrong material could lead you to spend more money on repairs. Using the Arborcoat solid stain from Benjamin Moore for exterior house painting properties, recoating will help increase the surface’s lifespan by protecting it from UV rays and other surrounding pollutants.
Wide variety of colors to choose from
House painters delight in the fact that they can have different options for an exterior house painting job. Who can blame them? With the availability of different colors, it allows these professionals to find creative ways to beautify and ensure the durability of the surfaces. This is why house painters would opt for Arborcoat solid stain from Benjamin Moore. There are more than 3,000 color options for an exterior painting project. Even if you are not a professional house painter, you can decide to change the look of your home with the plethora of options available. Apart from the different colors, the Arborcoat solid stain from Benjamin Moore offers house painters and homeowners. There are other types of exterior stains that ensure the protection and durability of different wood surfaces.
- Ultra Flat Waterborne Solid Stain
- ARBORCOAT Stain-Semi Solid
- ARBORCOAT Stain-Semi Transparent
- ARBORCOAT Stain-Translucent
- ARBORCOAT Semi-Solid Classic Oil Finish
- ARBORCOAT Translucent Classic Oil Finish
- ARBORCOAT Exterior Oil Primer
Depending on the exterior house painting project that you have, these aforementioned stains can guarantee protection and a higher value Click here to find out more about these Arborcoat stains from Benjamin Moore.
Homeowners can get the most out of their exterior painting projects with Arborcoat stains from Benjamin Moore. The protection, durability, and heightened aesthetic value make this decision the best you can make if you think of revamping your home. Remember, you can explore various painting options for your home and other projects on the website.